Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some thoughts

Because I am confined to home these days -due to severe pain in my knees- I have had some time to think about some of the changes that I had to adjust to after I came to this country in 1970 and how I have accepted these.
The very first among these is that I had to learn to drive. One of the things that I missed was walking or taking a public transportation to where ever I wanted to go. My husband was busy with his occupation. It was not possible for him to drive me every where. So at his suggestion I enrolled myself in a driving school and after some lessons acquired my driving licence. That was quite a big step for me in those days. Specially so, because at that time in India very few ladies drove their own cars. Of course times have changed there too. Now when I go to visit my relatives in my homeland I see quite a few women drivers in clogged streets of that country. Driving here has given me independence to go where I need to go. But even today I do not drive for enjoyment. I only drive out of necessity.
Now with the price of gas fluctuating almost daily I wish I had also learned how to ride a bike. That would be helpful not only for small chores but also for my health. I wonder if it is possible for a person of my age and girth to be able to learn that now! I wish I knew.
More about my thoughts later. I have to go for physical therapy now.

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