Thursday, September 11, 2008

Adjustments- continued

My lifestyle changed in other ways too. One major change that I had to get used to was managing without servants, washerwoman, a cook and so on. Though India was considered to be a 'poor country' by many people across the world, most households had some kind of help to aid the lady of the house in accomplishing the management of her household. That 'help' could be someone coming in to scrub the pots and pans the the kitchen, grind the spices needed for daily cooking using the grinding stone and pestle, sweep the dusty floors, wash clothes - in other words do the heavy work around the house so to speak. When I came away from the land of my birth I learned to do all the work myself. I admit that I did feel sorry for myself at that time for all the work that I had to do; but gradually saw the positive results of doing the chores myself. On top of that list was the sense of accomplishment that I felt; closely following that, was that I learned that I did not have to depend on any one to do my work. Of course having machines and gadgets helped too. Now a days I think it is no big deal to run the washing machine and the dryer to do our laundry, and the grinder and the food processor when I am cooking.
In the meantime things have changed in India too. More and more younger couples are managing their households without servants. The machines and gadgets are also available there too. And also because more housewives are following careers now they are also buying more packaged food now. In short, Indians have progressed too.

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