Monday, January 3, 2011

Another New Year!!
Another chance to complete all those tasks that I resolved to complete last year; another chance to make myself better than last year; another chance to declutter my house!! All these are legitimate reasons to better utilise my hours and minutes. And I shall try to do that.
But what did I accomplish in 2010?
Allow me to count:
1. I survived another year from that dreaded disease through God's grace and mercy.
2. I avoided another knee surgery, though at times it did seem that I might have to go through all that pain again.
3. I managed to increase my work hours.
4. I made my colleagues laugh and smile.
5. I walked a lot more in my place of work and also when I went shopping.
6. I did not have to use the cane when I did walk.
7. I started to volunteer again.
8. I started to exercise again- though still not regularly.
These are some of the major accomplishments. There may be others that I do not remember at this time.
By the way, why do we always wish each other 'Happy New Year'? I feel at this time I want to wish every one a healthy and peaceful New Year.

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