Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Revolving Door"

My friends and colleagues say that I have a revolving front door! I agree that we do have more guests than they do; but that is the way we were brought up in India. We were told that guests who come to your home should always be treated in the same way as you would treat God if He ever came to visit you. Give them the best and serve them as well as you can. That is what I try to follow. We readily agree to have our guests come, unless either one of us is unwell or recovering from a illness. At such an instance we ask them to reschedule their visit.

Thinking on the same line I was reflecting on how many guests we have had or are going to have this summer. A friend and her two daughters stayed with us for a day. My sister and her husband was with us for about two weeks. My cousin and her son will be with us for four days in June. My nephew-in-law and his wife are scheduled to come during first part of July for a ten to fifteen days. And then our two adorable twin grandsons will be with us for a month and their mother for a couple of weeks.This is what I know for the time being.

Most of the time I do enjoy having guests. Since neither my husband nor I can travel much these days it is always nice to see people that we like having around us. I cook for them ahead of time making sure that I will have 'left overs' when they leave. Too much visiting does tire me out these days. Then it is great to have dinner ready in the fridge. Most times our friends will bring our favorite food with them. That is an added bonus. Also, in most cases before they leave they strip the beds and put the used bed linens in the washing machines.

When our children were small we welcomed guests for other selfish reasons. Having guests taught them to learn to share and serve. Now that they have families of their own I see examples of hospitality that they learned here when they were growing up here.

So, you see my friends, I do not mind at all having a 'revolving front door'!!

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