Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Season

Here we are- going through another Holiday Season, coming to the end of another year.

Every year I wonder how many of us truly enjoy the real spirit of Christmas, take a few moments to think about what it really means. We get so caught up with shopping, wrapping gifts, baking, decorating the 'tree', sending off the Christmas cards that we tend to forget to take time think about the real reason for this celebration. I have to admit that I too am caught up in this frenzy most of the time, but I do take the time to think of that 'special Baby' that was send to us. I am a Hindu by religion and believe that God sends someone from time to time to bring righteousness back to this world when it gets racked by evil. We do believe that Jesus was send to spread the word of God, save many sinners and show the people the way of goodness.

So, this season, let us take some time to think of the real reason for Christmas and give thanks that we were so blessed to have such a person walk amongst the people, doing good, spreading goodness and the word of God.