Friday, August 22, 2008

Who am I?

I have lived in the beautiful bluegrass state of Kentucky for more years now than I lived in the land of my birth-India. I am a wife, mother, grandmother,teacher,part-time librarian,and a friend to numerous transplanted Indians as well as quite a few native Americans- I mean people who were born in this country. I love to read, knit, cook, listen to music- mostly Indian, also instrumental and soft pop. I also enjoy being with children, playing and being with them. Coming to live in another country, very different from the one where I was born, it was hard in the beginning to adjust, to learn another culture and to make new friends and acquaintances. Luckily I did know English; but I did have an accent. In fact I have been told I still speak 'differently.' The reason for this 'differentness' is probably because I was taught the British English whereas here I had to learn to speak American English. But this is my home now and I am quite comfortable here- a transplanted well seasoned Indian in this beautiful bluegrass state.